Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

haRRy Potter

Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : A novel

Sub Topic : Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Meeting : 4

Read carefully the passage of the Harry Potter novel in below.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Chapter 17

The Man with Two Faces

Quirrell, not Snape, turns out to be in the room. He has been the one going after the Sorcerer's Stone the whole time. By magic, out of nowhere ropes spring out of thin air and wrapping Harry tightly. Behind Quirrell is the Mirror of Erised.

Quirrell's new master is Lord Voldemort. He tries to use Harry to find out where the Sorcerer's Stone is. He is muttering to himself.

When Harry looks in the mirror, he sees himself putting his hand into his pocket and pulling out a blood-red stone. His reflection winks and puts the stone back in it's pocket, and as it does, Harry feels it. Somehow, he'd gotton the Stone in his own pocket.

Harry lies about what he sees in the mirror to Quirrell. Then Voldemort reveals himself. He is hidden under Quirrells turban; now part of Quirrell himself. Voldemort tells Harry he wants the stone to get the Elixer of Life. He also tells him that he killed his parents. Harry and Quirrell/Voldemort get into a fight and a needle-sharp pain sears across his scar.

Quirrell lets go of him, hunched in pain, blisters on his fingers. Voldemort commands Quirrell to seize Harry. Quirrell, telling Voldemort he cannot hold Harry, is told to kill him. As Quirrell raises his hand to perform a deadly curse, Harry instinctively reaches up and grabs Quirrell's face. Pain building in his head, everything falls into blackness....

Harry regains consciousness, looking into the face of Dumbledore. Harry is in the Hospital Wing, tended by Madam Pomfrey where he has been the last three days. She lets Dumbledore talk briefly to Harry. Dumbledore tells Harry that while in London it became clear to him that he should be at Hogwarts. He returned immediately, getting back just in time to pull Quirrell off Harry.The Stone has been destroyed, Quirrell is dead, Voldemort's presence unknown.

Dumbledore also tells Harry that his mother died to save him; that it was he who gave him the Invisibility Cloak at the request of his late father and that his father once saved Snape's life; Snape, seemingly wanting to hurt Harry, in reality working so hard to protect Harry's life to make the score even with Harry's father.

Ron and Hermione visit him. Also Hagrid visits him, in tears, feeling guilty for having told a stranger about how to get past Fluffy, resulting in the risk of Harry's life. Harry gets a photo album of his parents from Hagrid.

During the end of year feast, it is announced that Slytherin has the most house points and it appears that they will win the house cup. But Dumbledore awards Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville an extra 170 points total, thereby making Gryffindor the winner of the house cup.

All of them passed their exams. The next day they board the Hogwarts Express and head back home, where Harry will spend another summer with the Dursleys

Task 1

Multiple Choice

  1. Who is turn out to be in the room after the sorcerer’s stone?
    1. Snape c. Voldermort
    2. Harry Potter d. Dumbledore
  2. Who is Quirrel’s new master?

a. Slytherin c. Dumbledore

b. Ron d. Lord Voldermort

  1. What does Harry look in the mirror?

a. He sees himself putting his hand into his pocket and pulling out a blood-red stone.

b. He saw Quirrel stealing his pocket.

c. Harry sees Dumbledore putting Hermione’s hand into her pocket.

d. Harry does not know what his sees.

  1. Why did Hagrid, Hermione and Ron visit Harry?

a. Because, they want to invite Harry for holiday.

b. Because, they are feeling guilty for having told a stranger about how to get past Fluffy, resulting in the risk of Harry's life.

c. Because, they are want to give information.

d. Because, they want to rest for while.

  1. Who are the winners of the most house point?

a. Ron and Slytherin. c. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Neville.

b. Harry and Ron. d. Hermione and Neville.

Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : Description Neighbor Country

Sub Topic : Australia

Meeting : 2-3


Australia is a country in south Hemisfera. It is smaller continent in the world. Australia is composed from six nations. That is New south wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and West Australia. Australia is wide from 7.686.850 kilometer. It located in Indo-Australia and rounded by Hindi Ocean and Pacific. Most of continents compose from desert and ground. Australia is drier continent, flatter continent, and has oldest ground also not fertile. Most of the citizen lived as long as line of sea front south-east whose have simple climate. Sidney is the port which has crowded citizen in Australia. In the north of this country has tropic climate.

Australia has rich mixed western economic, with KDNK higher than United Kingdom, German and France. This country is the third of Human Index Development 2005. In the last year, economic of Australia had convalesced. English Language is formal language for this country.

Task 1


1. Make an article about the country in above! You can explain the culture, situation of the politic, the formal language!

Subject : English Language

Class/ Semester : 1(one)/ 1 (one)

Topic : Describing object

Meeting : 1

In this topic you will describe the objects that you like and explain it in front of the class. You can explain the colour, shape and description about the object. Look at the picture in below for the example.

This is a volley ball. The shape of the ball is circle and contain of air. It has white colour. It is for playing volley sport. It made from a rubber cloth. You can buy the volley ball in sport shop and the cost is variety. For the best ball, it more than one hundred rupiahs. And for the good until bad, more cheaper than the best one.

Task 1


1. Bring any object that you enjoy having.

2. You are supposed to show everyone the object you have brought in and tell other people about the shape, color and description about the object in front of class.